The 3rd house relates to childhood development.  When we use the Ascendant Ruler’s house placement as the 1st house and count onward to find the true 3rd house, we are able to combine the two houses to see how the person’s childhood development/experience was.

For our example we are going to use the singer Taylor Swift’s birth chart.  She has Cancer rising as the Ascendant.  The Moon is the ruler of Cancer so it is the Ascendant Ruler.  Swift’s Moon is in the 11th house.  This will be the 11th as 1st house.  Counting onward to find the true 3rd house we have the 1st as the true 3rd house.

Cancer/Leo 1st as 3rd- child (3rd) that was private, withdrawn (Cancer) but able to shine (Leo) within one’s own skin, the self (1st)

Child (3rd) that was emotionally assertive, devoted (Cancer) to creative expression, being entertaining (Leo) to impress others, stand out as an individual (1st)

1st as 3rd- child (3rd) that knew how to market the self (1st)

Child (3rd) of individualism, pioneering action, courage (1st)

As a child Taylor Swift was self (1st) aware (3rd).

The true 3rd house in other houses are listed below.

2nd as 3rd- child (3rd) of possessiveness, firmness, support, value, sensual desires, stubbornness (2nd)

As a child you may have been bossy, headstrong, and protective of possessions.  You were supportive and reliable.  You were valuable.  You may have also been artistic and a visionary.

3rd as 3rd- child (3rd) of curiosity, awareness, ideas, self-expression/language (3rd)

As a child you may have been a talker, very curious and active, loved to travel in the local community and learn new things.  You were cunning and liked to get things started.

4th as 3rd- child (3rd) of privacy, comfort, devotion to family, sensitivity/warmness (4th)

As a child you loved your privacy and the comforts of the home.  You were nurturing and feeling.  You craved security and clung to what was yours.

5th as 3rd- child (3rd) of individual shine, creativity, personal joy, leadership (5th)

As a child you enjoyed having fun through sports or the arts.  You loved to be the center of attention in the house environment of the sign.  You had the gift of creative expression.  You were entertaining.

Example: Aquarius in 5th as 3rd - child (3rd) that loved being the center of attention (5th) in social groups, with elders (Aquarius)

6th as 3rd- child (3rd) of duty, perfection, order, service to others (6th)

As a child you were useful to others.  You were happy to serve others even if it meant sacrificing your desires.  You were a loyal, obedient child.  You were also emotional and moody.

7th as 3rd- child (3rd) of abundant information, cooperation, charm, and sociability (7th)

As a child you retained information well (Libra rules 7th). You were the people-pleaser.  You were attached to others and knew how to be appealing.  You were the star child.

8th as 3rd- child (3rd) of intensity, power, unpopular beliefs, secrecy, intolerance (8th)

As a child you were secretive and protective of family.  You may have had a mysterious nature, very difficult to penetrate.  You may have also been violent or hard to discipline, very powerful as a child. You were also helpful to others and trustworthy.

9th-as 3rd- child (3rd) of religion, adult thinking, super awareness, audaciousness (9th)

As a child you were curious about religion and delighted in learning new things.  You wanted to know everything. You were probably super talkative and a know-it-all.  You loved to socialize and enjoy the company of others.

10th as 3rd- child (3rd) of control, discipline, maturity, authority, insensitivity/coldness (10th)

As a child you were in control.  You may have tried to discipline others.  You were serious for the most part.  You may have been a dark, intense child.  You had a deepness about you.

Example: Taurus/Gemini in 10th as 3rd- child (3rd) that was possessive, stubborn, bossy, enjoyed food/sensual pleasures (Taurus) which was expressed, communicated (Gemini) in a serious, maybe even extremely cold, insensitive manner (10th)

11th as 3rd- child (3rd) of social awareness, world vision, friendships (11th)

As a child you may have been adopted or a step child as the 11th house shows adopted/step children.  You may have simply adopted a humanitarian cause.  You were a friend to all.  You were very smart and wise beyond your years.

12th as 3rd- child (3rd) of seclusion, alienation, secrets, fantasies, inspiration, wisdom (12th)

As a child you felt alienated and misunderstood.  You felt alone even in the presence of many.  Your escape from reality was through your fantasies.  You liked to do things in secret.  You were neptunian.  You may also been gloomy and hard on yourself.
  • Posted by Ali

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