“The offspring always spring higher than what it’s sprung off of.” -Kingfish

Amanda Bynes is a former child actress whose early childhood development was compromised for stardom. In adulthood she is now dealing with 12th house mental issues of negative escapism by exhibiting childish behavior that was never tended to.

Amanda must look to her 8th house of spiritual gains to transform into the spiritual being she was meant to be.  The 8th house environment involves removing the excess parts of ourselves that binds us to the earth in order to be spiritually uplifted. This is your upward journey towards spiritual wealth. Use the Ascendant Ruler as the 1st house and count onward to find the true 8th house in the chart.

In Amanda’s chart the Ascendant ruler is Uranus in the 10th house. This is the true 1st house of the chart noted 10th as 1st. With Uranus ruling Amanda’s persona (1st) she will exhibit the characteristics of Uranus- rebellious, wild, unpredictable, self-willed, forward in approach. The 10th as 1st house environment of Uranus is doubly active as the 10th and 1st are both active houses. 

The 8th house would be the great spiritual tranquilizer. Amanda’s 8th house is Gemini/Cancer noted 5th as 8th. By reviewing keywords for the houses, we would be able to see that Amanda will gain spiritually (8th) through doing what she loves, her creative expression, sharing her gift with the world (5th). Gemini in the 5th as 8th shows local travels (Gemini) for creative expression, personal joy (5th) using others’ personal resources/finances (8th). Amanda’s center stage (5th) is near (Gemini) home (Cancer) and people pay to see her (8th). Amanda was able to gain spiritually (8th) as a child (Gemini) star (5th) but how does her creative faculty evolve as she grows up spiritually? Now let’s dig deeper.

Examine the following:
1. Sign(s) in the 8th house
2. Planetary Ruler(s) of 8th house sign(s)
3. House location(s) of 8th house planetary ruler(s)
4. Sign(s) of Planetary Ruler(s)
5. Planetary Relations of 8th house planetary ruler(s)
6. Planetary Aspects of Planetary Ruler(s)

Amanda's Chart Information

Gemini/Cancer 5th as 8th
1. Gemini/Cancer
2. Gemini- Mercury, Cancer- Moon
3. Mercury- 1st as 4th house, Moon- 12th as 3rd house
4. Mercury in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn
5. Mercury is not in detriment or fall in Aquarius, Mercury has considerable power; The Moon is in detriment in Capricorn.
6. Mercury conjunct Jupiter, square Saturn, square Uranus, square Ascendant, square Chiron; Moon square Venus, sextile Saturn, square Pluto, square North Node, trine Chiron.

1. Sign(s) in the 8th house
Gemini/Cancer 5th as 8th- regeneration, spiritual rebirth (8th) through awareness, mental development (Gemini) of security, comfort, home (Cancer) through creative expression, individual shine, personal joy (5th)

Amanda’s spiritual healing (8th) is reconstructing her child mentality (Gemini) of what home and security is (Cancer).

2. Planetary rulers of the 8th house signs
Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini. The Moon is the planetary ruler of Cancer.
Mercury- communications, self-expression, the mind
Moon- emotional nature, feelings

3. Where do the planetary rulers reside in the chart?
We know that the planetary ruler(s) of the 8th house identify Amanda’s energy to gain spiritually, but now let’s see what environment(s) these planets have chosen to manifest their spiritual impact.

Mercury in Aquarius 1st as 4th house
Mercury in 1st as 4th- home, security (4th) is within one’s self (1st)
If Amanda’s home is within herself, we must acknowledge how she dwells within herself and how she can utilize the energies of Mercury and the Moon to seek spiritual comfort within.

Self-expression, communications, the mind, mental acuity (Mercury) secures, comforts (4th) the ego, persona, self (1st)

In Aquarius, the communications, self-expression of Mercury are unpredictable, shocking, and rebellious.

Communications, self-expression (Mercury) to comfort, secure (4th) the ego, persona, impression on others (1st)

On the surface, Amanda will express herself, communicate (Mercury) in a rebellious, shocking way (Aquarius) to secure, comfort (4th) the persona which is her home (1st)

With Mercury in the 1st as 4th the flawed theme for Amanda’s way of spiritual healing is to self-express (Mercury) quick, aggressively, and impulsively (1st house natural owner is Aries) for comfort (4th)

Amanda must do what she enjoys through self-expression (Mercury) in a humane, selfless (Aquarius) way. She has to realize that to be selfless does not mean giving up her security and comfort within but actually gaining a spiritual dwelling.

Moon in Capricorn 12th as 3rd house
Moon in 12th as 3rd- feels (Moon) alone, misunderstood (12th) in immediate environment, with close relatives, early childhood (3rd)

The emotional (Moon) immediate environment (3rd) is seclusion, not with those around them, away with their thoughts, imprisoned, alone in a crowd, polishing one’s unique shine (12th)

In Capricorn, the feelings can be gloomy and cold.

The Moon naturally rules the 4th house of the home/security. With Amanda’s Moon in the 3rd house, her home/security which we have established to be her persona/ego (4th as 1st) must adapt to the immediate environment (3rd) which feels like imprisonment as a home (12th). This is the inner self of security and comfort being affected by the outside world. In the outside world, Amanda feels alone and misunderstood (12th). Mercury energizing itself through the negative qualities of Aquarius gives the impression to others (1st) that Amanda is wild and unpredictable. The true reality is that Amanda is misunderstood and has unresolved issues with early childhood that are manifesting through negative self expression and feelings of loneliness. Amanda is in mental (3rd) jail (12th) which is the worst jail to be in. She feels emotionally (Moon) responsible (Capricorn) for things that happened in childhood (3rd) that warped her mental frame (12th).

The 12th house deals with escapism from reality and seeking spiritual enlightenment. When Amanda creatively expresses herself, she eludes the reality of what is around her (3rd) through imagination, artistic expression (12th). The 12th house is mental health. Amanda’s mental health is struggling with a detrimental Moon that is emotionally restricted in an environment that threatens her inner security.

One may ask, “Why doesn't she change her immediate environment?”
Her immediate environment is everywhere she goes. She has to change the way she dwells within herself because this is where her home/security is flawed. She has to make the Moon in Capricorn in the 12th as 3rd work for her. Emotional (Moon) control, discipline (Capricorn) to adapt to the immediate environment (3rd) through positive dreamscape (12th). As a child actress the escapism through acting (12th) from what was happening around her (3rd) prevented her from being able to develop mentally as a child. Now we are seeing the childish behavior (3rd) from the adult Amanda when she is no longer acting (12th). She must activate the opposing house of the child (3rd) and become an adult (9th).

Cancer/Leo is 6th as 9th- higher thinking, super awareness, mental exploration (9th) through daily routine, quality work, service to others, nourishment of the world (6th)

Higher power, adult thinking (9th) through motherly, nurturing (Cancer) creative expression (Leo) that is useful to others, serves others, heals others (6th)

Amanda will free herself from her mental woes when she uses her talents to nourish/serve others. Her creative expression is energized through Mercury and Moon. Social awareness, world publications, fame (Aquarius) through communications, self-expression (Mercury) that is humane and selfless will serve Amanda well. Her feelings (Moon) of responsibility (Capricorn) should be to cultivate a spiritual home within. Loves grows through voluntary service. When Amanda gives love through creative expression (5th), she will gain spiritually (8th). Perhaps the adult Amanda will find inner security in super awareness (9th) that home (Cancer) is where the heart is (Leo) through service to others (6th). This is her adult career with Leo/Virgo in the 7th as 10th. Career, honors (10th) relating to others, dealing with others’ identities (7th) through creative (Leo) healing, nourishment, quality work, perfection (Virgo)

Amanda would do well with futuristic and inventive self expression as a creative arts teacher. Career (10th) as a creative (Leo) nurturer (Virgo) of others’ personas (7th)

Are the planets in a house that is on the East or West coast? What quadrant are the planets in?

Mercury and the Moon reside in the Eastern hemisphere (houses 10-3).

Conformity (Western) vs. Individuality (Eastern)

When the planets are in the Eastern hemisphere (houses 10-3) the person keeps the energy inward and molds the self. They will be inclined to keep their gifts to themselves. Houses in the Eastern hemisphere are individualistic, self-motivating, and self-serving.

In a Western house (houses 4-9), a planet puts energy out and it molds the environment.

Mercury is in the 1st quadrant (houses 1-4). This quadrant is where energy is inner-directed to serve the self. The Moon is in the 4th quadrant (houses 10-12). This quadrant depends on the self to serve personal ambitions.
With Mercury in 1st as 4th the energy to secure, comfort (4th) the identity, persona (1st) is inner-directed and self-serving. Her negative self-expression is inner-directed, more so an alarm going off of the unsettled child within.
With the Moon in 12th as 3rd the escapism (12th) from the immediate environment (3rd) is dependent on one’s self. As a child, she kept the energy inward to mold/serve herself through the dangerous mechanism of escapism, avoidance of reality. She was able to draw upon her acting skills and imagination to escape the reality she lived in. Unperturbed by outer influences, she was a selfish child in the sense that she was able to seize opportunities to serve the self. As an adult Amanda must serve others in order to accommodate the child within that is insecure, lonely, and misunderstood.
The good news is that as an adult Amanda will energize the Western hemisphere (being influenced by others) with Cancer/Leo in 6th as 9th. Her super awareness (9th) of service to others (6th) will dispel the self-inflicted feelings of loneliness and insecurity. Positive experiences working with others through self-expression in a selfless way will mold a new identity for Amanda. She will come out of her broken shell to do something that impacts others. She will draw strength from relations with positive Cancer and Leo Suns as they serve as the ideal, godly, wise (9th) through their quality work and service (6th).

4. What signs are the planetary rulers in?
The sign is the outlet in which the planetary ruler operates.
Mercury in Aquarius- communicating ideas, self expression, rational thinking (Mercury) through humanitarian efforts, social awareness, world publications (Aquarius)

Moon in Capricorn- feelings, emotional (Moon) control, discipline, efforts (Capricorn)

5. Planetary Relations
We examine the following to see how the ruling planets or energies of the house signs influence the creative energies of the planet(s) in question.

5-1. Look to see the planet’s relationship with the planetary ruler of the current house sign.

5-2. Look to see the planet’s relationship with the planetary ruler of the natural house sign.

Also, what type of house energy activates the planets therein?
Active (1, 4, 7, 10)
Fixed (2, 5, 8, 11)
Mental (3, 6, 9, 12)
Amanda’s Mercury in the 1st as 4th house of Aquarius is active (1st) and active (4th), which shows super activity from Mercury in this placement.

Her Moon in the 12th as 3rd house is mental (12th) and mental (3rd) which shows a super mentality. Mental power in the house of self-undoing (12th) She has the mental power to self-undo the damages from distorted (12th) child development (3rd).

5-1. Mercury in relation to Uranus, ruler of Aquarius
Sudden, unusual, shocking, eccentric (Uranus) communications, self-expression (Mercury) is exhibited from Amanda but she should nurse the positive qualities of Uranus’s effect through her self-expression.
Original, futuristic, inventive (Uranus) communication, self-expression (Mercury)

Uranus in the 10th as 1st house is an active (10th) active (1st) house environment. Once again there is super activity in relation to Aquarius. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. It is futuristic and inventive (Uranus) intellect (Mercury). With Mercury in the sign Uranus rules, Mercury’s energy transcends and operates on a higher plane.

Moon in relation to Saturn, ruler of Capricorn
Restricted, gloomy, obstructive, insecure (Saturn) emotional nature, feelings (Moon)

Amanda’s feelings and emotions (Moon) should be secured through hard work, concentrated efforts (Saturn)

Saturn in the 9th as 12th house of Scorpio is mental (9th) and mental (12th). Once again, a super mentality is noticed in regards to the pre-eminent builder Saturn. We notice shrinking, limited, obstructed (Saturn) higher thinking, super awareness (9th) in mentality (12th). In Scorpio, the spiritual healing (Scorpio) is obstructed (Saturn).

As an adult thinker (9th), Amanda is still mentally in prison (12th). Amanda needs to utilize the loneliness of the 12th house as a sacred space and connect with higher power (9th). She has to go into hiding to polish her spiritual shine (12th) through super awareness, divine wisdom (9th). She has the mental power to do so.

5-2. The natural house of Mercury’s placement in the 1st as 4th is Aries (1st) and Cancer (4th). It is as if Mercury is in Aries and Cancer. Mars rules Aries. Moon rules Cancer.

With Mercury in the house of Mars/Moon, the communication, self-expression (Mercury) can be impulsive, aggressive (Mars/1st) moody, sensitive (Moon/4th)

Amanda should be conscious of speaking, communicating (Mercury) with fervor, but not aggression, energetically but not impulsively (Mars) with feeling, to nurture (Moon)

The natural house of the Moon’s placement in 12th as 3rd is the infamous Pisces causing her all of this mental grief (12th) and Gemini (3rd).
Amanda’s Sun (life force) is in Pisces which seems as if Amanda is in this world, but not of this world. Pisces is ruled by Neptune- the escapist from reality, the dreamer, spiritual being. The biggest challenge for Amanda would be to be humane when she does not feel human. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini which shows that Amanda’s childhood development (3rd) which was robbed by the 12th must be honed in order to attain super awareness, adult thinking (9th opposite 3rd).

6. What are the planetary aspects?
Mercury conjunct Jupiter, square Saturn, square Uranus, square Ascendant, square Chiron; Moon square Venus, sextile Saturn, square Pluto, square North Node, trine Chiron.

In Amanda’s chart we see that the planetary ruler of the 8th house - Mercury - is conjunct Jupiter. This should be joint energies working together but how effective is the collaboration?

Mercury energy is mental but it is in a doubly active house. Jupiter energy is also mental in a doubly active house. The mind, self-expression, awareness (Mercury) is truthful, larger than life, expansive, super (Jupiter). Amanda expands, multiplies (Jupiter) self-expression (Mercury). This will serve her well in expanding on, growing (Jupiter) others’ self-expression (Mercury) in creative arts.

Mercury is square Saturn. Self-expression, communications (Mercury) does not agree with (square) restrictions, limitations, control (Saturn).

Mercury is square Uranus. Self-expression, communications (Mercury) does not agree with (square) eccentricity, shocking others (Uranus)

Mercury is square Ascendant. Self-expression, communications (Mercury) does not agree with (square) impression on others, self-image (Ascendant)

Amanda will not like how others perceive her self-expression, but she has to take accountability for the things she says. She has a larger than life (Jupiter) personality (1st). The sky is the limit (no restrictions by Saturn) with what she can do with her mind, self-expression (Mercury).

Mercury is square Chiron. Self-expression, communications (Mercury) does not agree with (square) emotional ties, healing (Chiron).

Quick to abandon thoughts, ideas, communications (Mercury) and marry, emotional tie to (Chiron) a new thought, idea (Mercury)

Amanda’s Moon is square Venus. Feelings, emotional psyche (Moon) does not agree with (square) desire, being appealing (Venus)

Moon is sextile Saturn. Feelings, emotional psyche (Moon) adheres to, obliges (sextile) control, discipline (Saturn)

Moon is square Pluto. Feelings, emotional psyche (Moon) does not agree with (square) intensity, obsession (Pluto)

Moon is square North Node. Feelings, emotional psyche (Moon) does not agree with (square) future, destiny (North Node)

Moon is trine Chiron. Feelings, emotional psyche (Moon) complies with (trine) healing, emotional ties (Chiron)

Amanda’s emotional nature (Moon) can be disciplined (Saturn) and receptive to healing (Chiron) the 12th house mental traumas.

  • Posted by Ali

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