MJ Astrology uses the Vedic (Hindu/Lahiri geocentric) system for planetary placements as it has proven to be more accurate in analyses. Simply subtract 23 degrees from your Western chart planetary placements to get the Vedic chart planetary placements. There are 30 degrees in each sign which means that unless your Western chart planetary placement is 23-30 degrees in influence it will be in the preceding sign according to Vedic Astrology. For example: Western Jupiter in Taurus 5 degrees would be Vedic Jupiter in Aries 12 degrees.
Aries- April 14th to May 14th
Taurus- May 15th to June 14th
Gemini- June 15th to July 15th
Cancer- July 16th to August 16th
Leo- August 17th to September 16th
Virgo- September 17th to October 16th
Libra- October 17th to November 15th
Scorpio- November 16th to December 15th
Sagittarius- December 16th to January 13th
Capricorn- January 14th to February 12th
Aquarius- February 13th to March 14th
Pisces- March 15th to April 13th
Aries- April 14th to May 14th
Taurus- May 15th to June 14th
Gemini- June 15th to July 15th
Cancer- July 16th to August 16th
Leo- August 17th to September 16th
Virgo- September 17th to October 16th
Libra- October 17th to November 15th
Scorpio- November 16th to December 15th
Sagittarius- December 16th to January 13th
Capricorn- January 14th to February 12th
Aquarius- February 13th to March 14th
Pisces- March 15th to April 13th