Is life but a dream for superstar singer Beyoncé?  Let's examine the Queen Bey's birth chart.

Honorary Chart of Beyoncé

1st House Persona, Identity, Physical Body, Impression on Others

Libra/Scorpio 4th as 1st- the persona, the individual (1st) is private, homely, enterprise, a business (4th)

Has the physical appearance (1st) of her mother (4th)

The persona, physical body (1st) of an attractive, appealing, pleasant (Libra) magnetic, deep, sexy (Scorpio) woman (4th)

The impression (1st) of a sweet, pleasant (Libra) woman (4th) but has a dark side (Scorpio)

Moon in Libra- emotional (Moon) attachment to others (Libra)

A woman (Moon) who is harmonious, pleasant-sounding, beautiful (Libra)

Moon in 4th as 1st – the individual (1st) feels (Moon) comfortable (4th) losing self to blend with others (Libra)

Uranus in Scorpio- unusual, futuristic, out of this world (Uranus) power, magnetic appeal (Scorpio)

Uranus in 4th as 1st – the individual (1st) is a self-willed, rebellious, unpredictable, eccentric (Uranus) woman (4th)

An individual (1st) that is withdrawn, private (4th) because she feels (Moon) eccentric, weird (Uranus)

The Moon sign shows where we are most comfortable and do not overcompensate to change habits. With Moon in Libra, she must be aware of who she is emotionally attached to. First impressions (1st) of charm (Libra) may result in pain, loss, and destruction (Scorpio) in the home and family life (4th)

2nd House of Earning Power, Finances, Personal Worth, Sensual Pleasures

Scorpio/Sagittarius 5th as 2nd – material/financial gains, sensual comforts (2nd) from creative talents, being a star, children (5th)

Possesses, owns (2nd) the center stage, individual shine, creative talent (5th)

Valuable (2nd) creative talent, children (5th)

Possesses (2nd) powerful, mysterious (Scorpio) ideal, above average (Sagittarius) creative talent (5th)

Neptune in Scorpio- escapism from reality (Neptune) through secret obsessions, sexual desires (Scorpio)

Unclear thinking (Neptune) of what is intriguing vs. what is dangerous (Scorpio)

Neptune in 5th as 2nd – possesses (2nd) inspirational, dreamy, artistic (Neptune) creative talent (5th)

Owns (2nd) dreamy (Neptune) magnetic appeal (Scorpio) on the center stage (5th)

Possesses (2nd) escape from reality (Neptune) by transforming, power to hypnotize (Scorpio) on the center stage (5th)

The husband Jay-Z (His Sun is in this house) possesses, values (2nd) creative talent, individual shine, leadership, personal pleasure (5th)

The husband Jay-Z possesses (2nd) a dark, occult power (Scorpio) that escalates, raises (Sagittarius) publicity, star power (5th)

Distant travels (Sagittarius) using your personal finances (2nd) for pleasure, entertainment (5th)

The personal value, self-worth (2nd) was loss but revived (Scorpio) through instantaneous truth, connecting with God (Sagittarius) as a light shared with the world (5th)

3rd House Immediate Environment, Childhood Development, Early Learning, Awareness

Sagittarius/Capricorn 6th as 3rd – the childhood (3rd) consisted of duties, perfection, quality work (6th)

The immediate environment (3rd) is elevated (Sagittarius) in status (Capricorn) but is a work environment (6th)

As a child (3rd) she was the ideal one (Sagittarius), very concentrated in efforts, mature, (Capricorn) perfection-seeking, dutiful, and quick to serve (6th)

Self-expression, communications (3rd) that goes above and beyond normal range (Sagittarius) through practice (Capricorn) and perfection (6th)

Self-expression, communications through singing (3rd) is the occupation, quality work (6th)

The mind, thoughts (3rd) are about work, duties, the need to serve (6th house)

The daughter Blue Ivy has her Sun sign in this house. She is always near, learning, and adapting (3rd) to the work environment (6th)

4th House Comfort Zone, Home and Family, The Mother/Wife

Capricorn/Aquarius 7th as 4th – most secure (4th) when attached to partner, others (7th)

Handles private (4th) insecurities (Capricorn) of weirdness, being different (Aquarius) by blending in with others (7th)

Private (4th) marriage (7th)

In private, at home, as a wife (4th) she is authoritative, a disciplinarian (Capricorn) over rebellious, self-willed (Aquarius) partner (7th)

A woman (4th) that is disciplined and stern in nature (Capricorn) but can be wild and free (Aquarius) with partner, others (7th)

The enterprise, business (4th) involves partners, collaborating (7th)

5th House Creative Expression, Personal Joys, Your Children, What You Love to Share with the World

Aquarius/Pisces 8th as 5th –the children, creative expression, what you love to share (5th) is deep, magnetic, valuable to others (8th)

Your children (5th) are your world joy (Aquarius) and escape from reality (Pisces)

Your children, creative talent, the center stage, being a star (5th) is your obsession (8th)

As a star on the center stage (5th) you do the unthinkable (Aquarius) fantasy act (Pisces) which is an intense, rebirthing experience (8th)

The center stage (5th) is where you transform; work your magic (8th)

Your children (5th) are know-it-alls, fixed in their thinking, will rebel (Aquarius) to escape reality (Pisces) of discord and pain (8th)

You shine (5th) by being unpredictable, shocking others (Aquarius) through artistry (Pisces) that has a dark allure to it (8th)

Your creative talent (5th) attracts others’ finances/valuables (8th- 2nd/finances from 7th/others)

6th House Occupation, Quality Work, Service to Others, Physical Health

Pisces/Aries 9th as 6th – quality work, daily routine (6th) is on a higher platform (9th)

Occupation (6th) requires you to travel far and wide (9th)

Occupation (6th) takes you to new heights (9th)

Daily routine (6th) is alienating (Pisces) the self (Aries) as a higher power, superhuman (9th)

Quality work (6th) through artistry (Pisces) that activates (Aries) the divine inner ruler (9th)

Physical health (6th) requires the mental health (Pisces) to be strong, active (Aries) when traveling far (9th)

Occupation (6th) of an artistic (Pisces) individual (Aries) that travels far (9th)

7th House Relations to Others, Marriage/Partnerships, Attachments

Aries/Taurus 10th as 7th – dealings with others (7th) as a public figure, person held in high regard (10th)

Attached, attracted (7th) to people in high places (10th)

Partnerships with others (7th) through the father (10th)

In partnerships (7th) she is the lead (Aries) vocalist (Taurus rules throat) in control (10th)

The partner (7th) is in the public eye (10th)

The partner (7th) takes action, pioneers (Aries) to be valuable, treasured (Taurus) in the top position (10th)

Having a relationship (7th) for public appeal (10th)

The marriage (7th) is about egos, (Aries) financial/material gains, (Taurus) status, and honor (10th)

The marriage (7th) is a career (10th)

Collaborations (7th) are a success (10th)

Chiron in Aries- emotional ties, marriage, business (Chiron) to self (Aries)

Chiron in 10th as 7th- partner, marriage (7th) is emotionally tied, business-related (Chiron) to public image (10th)

Emotional ties, marriage (Chiron) to husband (true 10th) that provides a home and family (true 10th is 4th from Chiron)

Emotional ties, marriage (Chiron) to husband (10th) that has an ego, pioneers, is a force (1st from Chiron- Chiron is in the 10th house)

Emotional ties, marriage to (Chiron) person (Jay-Z’s Sun) that is intense, powerful, ruthless (Jay-Z’s Sagittarius Sun is 8 houses from Beyonce’s Chiron)

With Chiron in the 10th, you must be in control (Saturn rules 10th) of who you get emotionally tied to (Chiron)

Do not lose yourself to blend in with others (7th) who are egotistical, (Aries) cruel, and inhumane (Taurus) to get to the top (10th)

Remember how you were as a child, quick to serve others with dignity.

8th House Regeneration, Restoration, Transformations, Pain, Loss, Others' Assets

Taurus/Gemini 11th as 8th- power to transform, heal (8th) through love received, the fans (11th)

Restores (8th) personal value (Taurus) through self-expression, singing (Gemini) to the fans (11th)

Spiritual renewal (8th) by being close (Gemini) to the fans (11th)

The pain and loss (8th) will be broadcast to the world (11th)

With Taurus and Gemini in the 11th, what she values (Taurus) and what she thinks (Gemini) as pain, loss, discord (8th) must not be mistaken for love received (11th)

The dark allure (8th) of money, material things (Taurus) speaks (Gemini) to the masses (11th)

Discord, break down (8th) of a harmonious (Taurus) singing (Gemini) group (11th)

Revival (8th) of a harmonious (Taurus) singing (Gemini) group (11th)

Capitalizes (8th) on the creativity of others (11th)

Capitalizes (8th) on possession, personal asset (Taurus) of self-expression, singing (Gemini) that is world publicized, famous (11th)

9th House Higher Thinking, Super Awareness, Higher Power

Gemini/Cancer 12th as 9th travels far (9th) to escape reality (12th)

A superhuman (9th) that goes into hiding to polish her spiritual shine (12th)

Travels far mentally (9th) through self-expression of singing (Gemini) to comfort (Cancer) the mind (12th)

As an adult (9th) she thinks (Gemini) and feels (Cancer) she is alienated, imprisoned, misunderstood (12th)

North Node in Cancer- destiny, future (NN) to be the home, shell (Cancer) of spiritual light, artistry/music (12th)

North Node in 12th as 9th- destiny, future (NN) to take to new heights (9th) artistry/music (12th)

Destiny’s (NN) elder, guru (9th)

Mars exactly conjunct NN- She does (Mars) what is her destiny (NN)

Mars in Cancer- impulsive, quick (Mars) change in moods, feelings (Cancer)

Mars in 12th as 9th- applies energy, takes initiative (Mars) to seek higher (9th) understanding (12th)

Applies energy (Mars) towards the ideal (9th) music (12th)

Aggressive action (Mars) to take her artistry (12th) to new heights (9th)

What she does (Mars) is above average, ideal (9th) in the music industry (12th)

10th House of Career, Public Status, Honors, Authority Status

Cancer/Leo 1st as 10th– honors, legacy, public status, career (10th) comes from individual efforts (1st house)

People in high places, respectable, honorable people (10th) are who you identify with (1st)

The husband (10th) is devoted (Cancer) to the limelight (Leo) for the self (1st)

Control, authority (10th) over self-image, the impression on others (1st)

Status-seeking (10th) persona, ego, individual (1st)

Strategic (10th) about what you show others, (1st) but the mood, feelings (Cancer) are broadcast, publicized (Leo) on one’s face (1st)

The honors, legacy is achieved (10th) by securing (Cancer) creative (Leo) individualism (1st)

Success (10th) of the individual, original venture (1st)

11th House of Fame, World Publications, Group Causes, Friendships/Alliances

Leo/Virgo 2nd as 11th – love received, friendships/organizations, fame (11th house) for your personal value (2nd)

In the group (11th) you were the star, center of attention, (Leo) useful, (Virgo) and treasured one (2nd)

world fame (11th) for sensual appeal (2nd)

In a group, to the world (11th) you are valuable, an asset (2nd)

Fame, world publicity, love received (11th) for creative talent (Leo) that serves, nourishes (Virgo) through singing, the sensual desires (2nd rules the throat)
Being famous (11th) for creative talent, star power (Leo) is your occupation (Virgo) and earning power (2nd)

Sun in Leo- the life force (Sun) is creative energy, star power (Leo)

Sun in 2nd as 11th- the life force, person (Sun) is famous, world publicized (11th) as an earthly gem, treasure (2nd)

Mercury in Virgo- the mind, intellect, communications/self-expression (Mercury) is detailed and methodical, perfected (Virgo)

Self-expression/voice (Mercury) is the occupation/quality work (Virgo)

Mercury in 2nd as 11th- self-expression through music (Mercury) is your famous (11th) possession (2nd)

Mercury conjunct Saturn in Virgo- the communications, self-expression (Mercury) is obstructed (Saturn)

Saturn makes the person insecure about communicating thou
ghts and as a result she tries to overcompensate. When in an uncomfortable situation, the communication, self-expression (Mercury) is delayed, limited, slow to come out (Saturn) and sabotages the self-expression. People will question her intellect as if she is dumb, but do not frown upon Saturn. Wherever Saturn sits in a chart, you are sure to find your authority status. Sinister Saturn builds kings. When she is comfortable expressing herself (Mercury) she is an authority (Saturn) over her delivery and audience.

12th House of Mental Health, Secrets, Alienation, Spiritual Enlightenment, Abstract Artistry

Virgo/Libra 3rd as 12th – Polishing one’s unique shine (12th) through self-expression, communications (3rd)

Inspirational, artistic (12th) occupation (Virgo) of harmony, beauty (Libra) through self-expression/singing (3rd)

Seclusion from worldly distractions (12th) during childhood, to learn, cultivate the mind/self-expression (3rd)

Self-expression/singing (Mercury) authority, success (Saturn) expands, multiplies (Jupiter) into beauty, clothes (Venus) big business (Pluto)

Has the authority (Saturn) to travel far (Jupiter) to enjoy (Venus) desirable (Pluto) occupation (Virgo) in solitude and gain inspiration (12th) from new environments (3rd)

Spiritual (12th) child (3rd)

The spirit (12th) is young, curious, and vibrant (3rd)

Hidden (12th) messages (3rd)
  • Posted by Ali

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