How You Were As A Child- A Look at the True 3rd House

The 3rd house relates to childhood development.  When we use the Ascendant Ruler’s house placement as the 1st house and count onward to find the true 3rd house, we are able to combine the two houses to see how the person’s childhood development/experience was.

For our example we are going to use the singer Taylor Swift’s birth chart.  She has Cancer rising as the Ascendant.  The Moon is the ruler of Cancer so it is the Ascendant Ruler.  Swift’s Moon is in the 11th house.  This will be the 11th as 1st house.  Counting onward to find the true 3rd house we have the 1st as the true 3rd house.

Cancer/Leo 1st as 3rd- child (3rd) that was private, withdrawn (Cancer) but able to shine (Leo) within one’s own skin, the self (1st)

Child (3rd) that was emotionally assertive, devoted (Cancer) to creative expression, being entertaining (Leo) to impress others, stand out as an individual (1st)

1st as 3rd- child (3rd) that knew how to market the self (1st)

Child (3rd) of individualism, pioneering action, courage (1st)

As a child Taylor Swift was self (1st) aware (3rd).

The true 3rd house in other houses are listed below.

2nd as 3rd- child (3rd) of possessiveness, firmness, support, value, sensual desires, stubbornness (2nd)

As a child you may have been bossy, headstrong, and protective of possessions.  You were supportive and reliable.  You were valuable.  You may have also been artistic and a visionary.

3rd as 3rd- child (3rd) of curiosity, awareness, ideas, self-expression/language (3rd)

As a child you may have been a talker, very curious and active, loved to travel in the local community and learn new things.  You were cunning and liked to get things started.

4th as 3rd- child (3rd) of privacy, comfort, devotion to family, sensitivity/warmness (4th)

As a child you loved your privacy and the comforts of the home.  You were nurturing and feeling.  You craved security and clung to what was yours.

5th as 3rd- child (3rd) of individual shine, creativity, personal joy, leadership (5th)

As a child you enjoyed having fun through sports or the arts.  You loved to be the center of attention in the house environment of the sign.  You had the gift of creative expression.  You were entertaining.

Example: Aquarius in 5th as 3rd - child (3rd) that loved being the center of attention (5th) in social groups, with elders (Aquarius)

6th as 3rd- child (3rd) of duty, perfection, order, service to others (6th)

As a child you were useful to others.  You were happy to serve others even if it meant sacrificing your desires.  You were a loyal, obedient child.  You were also emotional and moody.

7th as 3rd- child (3rd) of abundant information, cooperation, charm, and sociability (7th)

As a child you retained information well (Libra rules 7th). You were the people-pleaser.  You were attached to others and knew how to be appealing.  You were the star child.

8th as 3rd- child (3rd) of intensity, power, unpopular beliefs, secrecy, intolerance (8th)

As a child you were secretive and protective of family.  You may have had a mysterious nature, very difficult to penetrate.  You may have also been violent or hard to discipline, very powerful as a child. You were also helpful to others and trustworthy.

9th-as 3rd- child (3rd) of religion, adult thinking, super awareness, audaciousness (9th)

As a child you were curious about religion and delighted in learning new things.  You wanted to know everything. You were probably super talkative and a know-it-all.  You loved to socialize and enjoy the company of others.

10th as 3rd- child (3rd) of control, discipline, maturity, authority, insensitivity/coldness (10th)

As a child you were in control.  You may have tried to discipline others.  You were serious for the most part.  You may have been a dark, intense child.  You had a deepness about you.

Example: Taurus/Gemini in 10th as 3rd- child (3rd) that was possessive, stubborn, bossy, enjoyed food/sensual pleasures (Taurus) which was expressed, communicated (Gemini) in a serious, maybe even extremely cold, insensitive manner (10th)

11th as 3rd- child (3rd) of social awareness, world vision, friendships (11th)

As a child you may have been adopted or a step child as the 11th house shows adopted/step children.  You may have simply adopted a humanitarian cause.  You were a friend to all.  You were very smart and wise beyond your years.

12th as 3rd- child (3rd) of seclusion, alienation, secrets, fantasies, inspiration, wisdom (12th)

As a child you felt alienated and misunderstood.  You felt alone even in the presence of many.  Your escape from reality was through your fantasies.  You liked to do things in secret.  You were neptunian.  You may also been gloomy and hard on yourself.
The Life Force of Oprah Winfrey- Analysis of Triplicity Rulers

 Every living being has a movement within them.  Oprah Winfrey is a woman who adhered to God's will for her life.  We can all answer the call to greatness when enlightened and informed of our life's force.  Understand your life force by examining your triplicity rulers.  Discover what your life force is by following the guide below. 

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (Fire Triplicity)
Day- Sun
Night- Jupiter

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (Earth Triplicity)
Day- Venus
Night- Moon

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (Air Triplicity)
Day- Saturn
Night- Mercury

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (Water Triplicity)
Night- Mars

What is your life force?

1.      What is the native’s Sun sign?
2.  Is the native born during the day or night? If the native is born during the day, he/she is day-ruled (Sun above the horizon, houses 7-12).  If the native is born at night, he/she is night-ruled (Sun below the horizon, houses 1-6).
3.   What planet is the Day or Night Ruler of the Sun sign? This is the general nature of the native.
4.   What sign is the ruling planet (day or night ruler) in?
5.   Now look at the Triplicity chart to see the 3 planets (triplicity) ruling that sign. Look under Day ruler if native is born during the day (Sun above the horizon, houses 7-12).  Look under Night ruler for the sign if native is born at night (Sun below the horizon, houses 1-6).
6.   Examine the 3 planets’ placements in the native’s chart. This will tell you about the native’s life force.

Honorary Chart Review of Oprah Winfrey

1.      The native is a Capricorn Sun.
2.  The native was born at night (Sun in 2nd house), Night-ruled. This person is nocturnal.
3.   The Night-ruler of the Capricorn Sun is the Moon. The general nature of this native is Moon-oriented (emotional, moody, feeling, nurturing).
4.   The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio.
5.   According to the Triplicity chart, the 3 planets (triplicity) or Night-rulers of Scorpio are Mars, Venus, and Moon.
6.   Examine the placements of these 3 planets to understand the native’s life force.

Mars in 11th house Scorpio- actions taken (Mars) in an uphill battle (Scorpio) to shock the world (11th house)

Took action (Mars) to pay spiritual debts (Scorpio) and now has the world at her feet (11th house)

Libra/Scorpio 11th as 6th- quality work, service (6th) through social awareness, organizations/associations, world broadcasts (11th)

Quality work, service (6th) is appeal, beautification (Libra) of spiritual transformations, deep experiences, pain and loss (Scorpio) broadcast to the world (11th)

Mars in 11th as 6th- pioneering action (Mars) to serve, nourish (6th) through social awareness, world publication (11th)

Beautiful (Libra) pain (Scorpio) is broadcast to the world (11th)

Venus in 2nd house Capricorn- attracting, desirable (Venus) material wealth, finances, comforts (2nd house) through career, merits, honor (Capricorn)

Capricorn/Aquarius 2nd as 9th- super aware (9th) of personal value (2nd)

Godly, elevated (9th) status, career, honors (Capricorn) through social awareness, shocking the world (Aquarius) with personal resources/network (2nd)

Venus in 2nd as 9th- attracting (Venus) expansive, larger than life, elevated (9th) material gains, finances (2nd)

Moon in 11th house Scorpio- mother figure, woman (Moon) of big business, corporations (Pluto rules Scorpio) on a grand scale, affecting the whole world (11th house)

Libra/Scorpio 11th as 6th- quality work, service (6th) through social awareness, organizations/associations, world publication (11th)

Quality work (6th) relating to others (Libra) about life transformations, deep healing, loss (Scorpio) that is world broadcasted, for others' entertainment (11th)

According to the ancients, the third triplicity planet represents the last third of one's life.

Moon in 11th as 6th- In the last third of her life she will relax as a mother figure (Moon) who served, healed (6th) through social awareness, humanitarian efforts, world broadcasting (11th)
Discover Your Creative Gift To The World + Chart Review of Deepak Chopra

Look to your 5th house environment to see where you shine.  The 5th house deals with creative energy.  This is your creative gift to share with the world. Use the Ascendant Ruler as the 1st house and count onward to find the true 5th house in the chart.

In our example the Ascendant ruler is Uranus in the 3rd house.  This is the 1st house of the chart noted 3rd as 1st.  The 5th house would be Leo/Virgo noted 7th as 5th. By reviewing keywords for the houses, we would be able to see that this person chooses to express creativity (5th) by dealing with others’ personalities/identities (7th).

Examine the following:
  1. Sign(s) in the 5th house
  2. Planetary Ruler(s) of 5th house sign(s)
  3. House location(s) of 5th house planetary ruler(s)
  4. Sign(s) of Planetary Ruler(s)
  5. Planetary Relations of 5th house planetary ruler(s)
  6. Planetary Aspects of Planetary Ruler(s)

Honorary Chart Information

Leo/Virgo 7th as 5th
  1. Leo, Virgo
  2. Leo- Sun, Virgo- Mercury
  3. Sun- 8th as 6th house, Mercury- 8th as 6th house
  4. Sun in Libra, Mercury in Libra
  5. Mercury is not in detriment or fall in Libra, Mercury is friends with Venus- planetary ruler of Libra, Mercury has considerable power; Sun is in fall in Libra. The life force (Sun) is divorced from the self (Aries- opposes Libra) and attached to others (Libra).
  6. Mercury conjunct Mars, square Pluto, trine Ascendant; Sun conjunct Jupiter, square Saturn, trine Uranus
1. Sign(s) in the 5th house
Leo/Virgo 7th as the 5th- the person creates (5th) stars, individual shine (Leo) through nurture and healing (Virgo) to others’ personalities/identities (7th).
Creative power, life force (5th) being a light, leader (Leo) that serves, heals (Virgo) others (7th)

2. Planetary rulers of the 5th house signs
In the example Mercury is the planetary ruler of Virgo.  The Sun is the planetary ruler of Leo.
Mercury- communication, writings, rationale
Sun- life force, power urge, creative power

3. Where do the planetary rulers reside in the chart?
We know that the planetary ruler(s) of the 5th house identify what the person’s creative gifts are, but now let’s see what environment(s) these planets have chosen to manifest their creative gifts.
Libra 8th as 6th house
Mercury in the 8th as 6th- useful, nourishment, healing, service (6th) through spiritual transformation, deep psychology (8th)

Communication, writings, rationale (Mercury) that nourishes, heals (6th) through deep, insightful psychology, breaking down and rebuilding, transformations (8th house); the 8th house is the intervention process that breaks down the subject in order to get to the essence of what the subject is.  It is a tough healer.  It preys upon the weak with the intent to make them better than before.  It is removing the excess parts of ourselves that binds us to the earth in order to be spiritually uplifted. Mercury in this environment has the creative gift of communicating ideas and rationale that is deep and insightful.  This person heals others (8th house) through their message (Mercury).
Sun in the 8th as the 6th- the life force, power urge (Sun) to be useful , serve (6th) through spiritual healing, rebirth, transformations (8th house); The creative power (Sun) to heal, nourish, perfect (6th) the spiritually wounded (8th)

Are the planets in a house that is on the East or West coast?  What quadrant are the planets in?
Mercury and the Sun reside in the Western hemisphere (houses 4-9).  The Western hemisphere shows where we are molded by circumstances.

Conformity (Western) vs. Individuality (Eastern)

In a Western house, a planet puts energy out and it molds the environment.
In the example this person influences/molds others with his creative energy.

When the planets are in the Eastern hemisphere (houses 10-3) the person keeps the energy inward and molds the self.  They will be inclined to keep their gifts to themselves.  Houses in the Eastern hemisphere are individualistic, self-motivating, and self-serving.

Mercury and the Sun are in the 3rd quadrant (houses 7, 8, 9).  This quadrant is where energy is outer-directed.  It is going out into the world and interacting with others.

4. What signs are the planetary rulers in?
The sign is the outlet in which the planetary ruler operates.
Mercury in Libra- communicating ideas, writing, rational thinking (Mercury) through knowledge, books, relating to others (Libra)
Sun in Libra- life force, creative power (Sun) dealing with others’ personalities/identities (Libra)
Life force (Sun) is balance, harmony, peace (Libra)

5. Planetary Relations
We examine the following to see how the ruling planets or energies of the house signs influence the creative energies of the planet(s) in question.
5-1. Look to see the planet’s relationship with the planetary ruler of the current house sign.
5-2. Look to see the planet’s relationship with the planetary ruler of the natural house sign.
Also, what type of house energy activates the planets therein?
Active (1, 4, 7, 10)
Fixed (2, 5, 8, 11)
Mental (3, 6, 9, 12)

In the example the planets Mercury and the Sun are in the 8th as 6th house of Libra corresponding to fixed (8th) mental (6th) playgrounds for Mercury and Sun.

5-1.The planetary ruler of the current house sign Libra is Venus. 
Mercury in relation to Venus, ruler of Libra
Peaceful, harmonious, appealing (Venus) communication, writings, rationale (Mercury)
Venus is in the 9th as 7th house which is a mentally (9th) active (7th) house environment.  The mental activity of Venus will be harmonious, peaceful, and loving.

5-2. The natural house signs are Virgo, ruled by Mercury (6th) and Scorpio, ruled by Pluto/Mars (8th)
Mercury is the ruler of Virgo (6th).  In its own house of Virgo the vibrations of Mercury are powerful. 

The natural 8th house Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and co-ruled by Mars.  Mercury and Mars/Pluto are said to be enemies, but I do not believe this to be true.  Mercury fecundates the mind so that thoughts and ideas take definite form.  Mars and Pluto are action-oriented planets that bring these thoughts and ideas into manifestation so that they become real assets.  We do (Mars) what we think (Mercury).  

Here in the 8th house the thoughts we communicate (Mercury) become the actions we take (Mars) to transform, regenerate (Pluto).

5-1. Sun in relation to Venus, ruler of Libra
Peaceful, harmonious, appealing (Venus) life force, creative power (Sun)
Sun is in fall in Libra. The life force (Sun) is divorced from the self (Aries- opposes Libra) and attached to others (Libra).
5-2. Sun in relation to Mercury, ruler of Virgo (6th)
Communications, mental awareness (Mercury) through creative power, life force (Sun)
Sun in relation to Pluto/Mars, ruler of Scorpio (8th)
Regenerative, healing (Pluto) life force, creative power (Sun)
Active, courageous, pioneering (Mars) life force, creative power (Sun)
To see if the energies (planets) thrive or clash together we examine the planetary aspects.

6. What are the planetary aspects?
In the example we see that the planetary ruler of the 5th house - Mercury - is conjunct Mars and square Pluto.  It sits between Venus and Mars.  What is the relationship between the planets?
We see that Mercury is conjunct Mars.  This should be joint energies working together but how effective is the collaboration?

Mars energy is action but it is not in an active house.  We can assume this is a passive person.  This person may be all talk (Mercury) but no action (Mars).

The person’s communication, ideas (Mercury) are fixed and mental. Mercury is square (does not agree with) Pluto.  Fixed (8th) mental (6th) communications (Mercury) does not agree with mental (6th) activity (4th) that is harsh, destructive (Pluto).   Mercury sits between Venus and Mars.  It is the middle ground, reasoning (Mercury) between love (Venus) and war (Mars).

The Sun is conjunct Jupiter, square Saturn, trine Uranus, and conjunct Chiron.

The Sun and Jupiter work as joint energies in the 8th as 6th house.  The life force, creative power (Sun) is super aware, Godly, high-minded, expansive in thinking (Jupiter).  The Sun is square (does not agree with) Saturn.  The life force, creative power (Sun) does not agree with (square) restrictions, control (Saturn).  This shows that the creative power of the person is not limited.  The Sun is trine (complies with) Uranus.  The life force, creative power (Sun) complies with individualism, self-will (Uranus).  With the Sun in the 8th as 6th house, the life force operates through fixed (8th) mental (6th) creativity.  The Sun is also conjunct Chiron, the healer.  The life force (Sun) heals the wounded (Chiron).

What is the love received for your creative gift to others?
Aquarius/Pisces 1st as 11th- the identity, persona (1st) receives love, world praise, ability to enjoy retirement (11th) from humanitarian works, universal impact, forward thinking approaches (Aquarius) that brought spiritual enlightenment, freed the mentally imprisoned (Pisces)